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Super Endpoints Public Alpha

Super Endpoints is in public alpha

This means the Minekube Team does not recommend running large production on alpha features. It may change completely or be removed in a future release.

Super Endpoints are endpoints that are authorized to control another endpoint. They are configured in the Connect Plugin config plugins/connect/config.yml.


To allow other Endpoints to control your Endpoint you can add them to your super endpoints list in your Connect Plugin config.

Super endpoints are authorized to control this endpoint via Connect API and can e.g. disconnect players from this endpoint, send messages to players, etc. You can add as many super endpoint names as you want.

Configuration Examples

Authorize all

Let's say you have a hub server, a survival server, and a pvp server. You own the config of all servers and want every server to be able to send players to each other.

# As the pvp endpoint you want to allow the hub 
# and survival server to send players to you.
endpoint: my-pvp
 - my-hub
 - my-survival
# As the hub endpoint you want to allow the pvp 
# and survival server to send players to you.
endpoint: my-hub
 - my-pvp
 - my-survival
# As the survival endpoint you want to allow the pvp
# and hub server to send players to you.
endpoint: my-survival
 - my-pvp
 - my-hub

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